About "En Mi Viejo San Juan"

About "En Mi Viejo San Juan"

This painting titled En Mi Viejo San Juan, is a watercolor depiction of a full moon night and la Calle O'Donnell in Old San Juan, Puerto Rico.

En Mi Viejo San Juan, has to be one of my favorite pieces I’ve ever created. There is so much meaning behind it that I know couldn’t possibly be understood at a first glance. For those of you who don’t know me, yes my name really is, Borinkén, and yes my mom really does love her culture. My mom chose the spelling "Borinken" because she thought it would be easier for non Spanish speakers to pronounce...it wasn't lol. But throughout this story, I will be referring to the island Puerto Rico with its true indigenous name as Borikén.

Ever since I was a child I’ve had such a love for La Isla Borikén, not only because my mom raised me with all the cultura and knowledge of mi tierra y mi gente, but because I’ve always felt such an immense connection to the island. Truly, in being named Borinkén, I was connected with the island at birth. It’s a feeling I can’t describe, but have felt all my life, especially when I’m on the island.

I’ve visited Borikén a handful of times in my childhood, and had the great fortune of being able to move out there in May of 2022. It has always been a dream of mine to live on the island and have a place of my own, and in 2022 I made that dream a reality. But first let's rewind to earlier that year, and why I even wanted to move in the first place. I was coming out of a really big funk, a silent depression that lasted a good chunk of my teenage years. I was lost, I didn’t know who I was, and nothing I was doing really resonated with my soul. I went to college straight out of high school, simply because that's what I felt like the next step was, or was made to think that at least. And I continued feeling lost because I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I knew formal education wasn’t it. So I left, and decided to enroll in the ✨school of life. I threw myself into work, and I started feeling better & doing better. I met great people who supported me and gave me opportunities, people I would’ve never met before who broadened my horizons, and people who taught me who I didn't want to be. During this time I was still pretty unsure of what I wanted to do or be, but I knew I had to just go with the flow and that I would figure it all out. Fast forward to September of 2021, I went on a very crucial trip to Borikén with a friend, which was so inspiring to us that we made a pact that we would follow our hearts and find a way to move out there in the next year. I remember bringing this up to my mom once I got back from the trip and I’m pretty sure she was thinking it was just gonna be one of my "in the moment" ideas, but no. I had never been more serious about an idea in my life. 

From that moment on it was grind time, I set my finish line for May 2022 and all I had to do was prepare to move by that month. I was focused, head strong, and strong willed. All I’m gonna say is never mess with a woman who has her mind set. Because there was no stopping me, this move was happening. And it did. On May 27th, 2022 I was all packed up with my 6 maletas ready to take on the adventure of my new life. I arrived in Borikén and within a week, I ended up magically finding a studio apartment in El Viejo San Juan. Those first few weeks living in my new apartment were bliss, I felt so proud of myself for creating this reality, so excited to just explore further and so free. My days were filled with walking to the beach, working at a job that I loved, exploring my new spots, and simply enjoying life, what I had moved out there to do. My time was filled with many ups and downs but overall a great happiness, and a great peace. I was home, and felt an amazing connection with la Madre Tierra that filled me with life everyday. I felt more connected with myself, more connected with my ancestors, and overall more connected with the universe. 

This chapter of my life was the creation of Borinkén as an artist. I’ve always been good at art, and creating things, but I can confidently say I wasn’t an artist until I was able to learn more about myself in my time living in Borikén. So long I felt lost in not knowing what I wanted to do or what my purpose was, but once I took that time to just fully concentrate on my growth and self discovery, it all became so simple. I was never lost, just simply running away from who I truly am, and always was. An artist. Someone who has a gifted hand and creates worlds just from the stroke of a brush. Someone who sees the beauty in nature, feels the connection to the earth and can portray that on canvas to be shared around the world. Sharing the love and beauty of the island and culture for others to appreciate. 

This painting is my most treasured because it embodies the magic I felt living in Borikén. The magic that was in every moment of every day. Every vibrant colored home, every cloud, every sunset, every full moon, every star, every day, and every night. 

I hope my story inspires you to take that leap of faith, and listen to the true calling of your soul. You'll never know where it may lead you✨

-Borinkén Mitchell 2023

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