Intro to the 7 Chakras

Intro to the 7 Chakras

In this blog post I will be explaining the breakdown of the 7 Chakras, balanced vs. unbalanced.

But before we jump into the Chakras, let's talk a bit about what Chakras are, and why it is important to get familiar with yours.

Firstly, it is important to note that we are energetic beings, just as you think of your being as flesh and bones that need to be taken care of, you also consist of energy that also must be taken care of. The main energy centers in your body are known as the 7 Chakras, and they lie at different points of your body from the base of your spine to the top of your head. If your chakras are balanced you will overall feel healthy, happy and secure with your wellbeing. 

However, if these energy centers are unbalanced, we can often find that they manifest in illness, physically or emotionally. This is why tending to your energy and working on balancing your energy is so important, before you manifest illness.

“What you aren’t changing, you are choosing.” 

Being complacent with taking care of your health, mind, body, and soul, can be a dangerous path to follow. But I'm here to help you on the road of healing, and can assure you that it will be easier than it seems! Dedicating yourself to your better health will always be worth it in the end:)

Once you begin to get more familiar with your chakras, you will be able to get a better sense of how your body is trying to communicate with you, and what issues may be coming up and why. A great way to get more connected with your energy centers is through meditation, simply sitting with yourself, and listening. For those unfamiliar with meditation, or anyone who would like guidance, you can find a lot of great guided meditations on youtube that will help you get more acquainted with your chakras. I will link a few at the end of this post!

Now let's get into the breakdown of the chakras!

Starting at the base of the spine,

The Root Chakra

(correlates with the color red)

This energy center has to do with stability, grounding and physical needs. 

Aligned and balanced, you will feel grounded, safe, secure, and happy to be alive. 

Unbalanced, you may experience physical ailments such as arthritis, constipation, leg problems, anemia, eating disorders, and bladder or colon problems. Emotionally, the imbalance can manifest in anxiety, feeling ungrounded, having irrational fears, or feelings of insecurity about finances or basic needs and well-being. 

Next, located right below the belly button and above the pubic bone,

The Sacral Chakra

(correlates with the color orange)

This energy center has to do with sexuality, pleasure, and creativity. 

Aligned and balanced, you will feel creative, passionate, optimistic, have a healthy libido, and strong sense of self-worth and confidence.

Unbalanced, this may manifest as physical issues such as urinary tract infections, lower back pain, and low libido. It may also show up in a fear of intimacy, lethargy, addictions, and lack of creativity. It is common for the Sacral Chakra to be blocked due to sexual trauma.

Next, located in the stomach area,

The Solar Plexus Chakra

(correlates with the color yellow)

This energy center has to do with personal power, energy, and happiness.

When this energy is balanced you should feel happy, confident and driven, and have a good self-image.

An unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra may manifest as digestive physical issues such as indigestion, ulcers, heartburn, or skin conditions, fatigue and eating disorders. You may have low self esteem, feel powerless, lack willpower, or have an inferiority complex.

Next, located in the center of the chest, right above the heart,

The Heart Chakra

(correlates with the color green) 

The Heart Chakra is pretty self explanatory I’d say, as it has to do with the heart, love, understanding, and compassion.

When this energy is balanced you should feel able to love and connect with others, feel compassionate, peaceful, and also prioritize your self love in addition to caring for others,

Unbalanced, this may manifest in our physical health through problems related to the heart, lungs and breasts, problems with the lymphatic system, asthma, and weight issues.

Emotionally, people with unbalanced heart chakra tend to be hateful, bitter, lack empathy, have trust issues or put others first, at the expense of themselves. Unbalanced you may also feel insecure, abandoned, unlovable, lonely, or isolated.

Next, located at the throat,

The Throat Chakra

(correlates with the color blue)

The Throat Chakra has to do with communication and self expression.

When this energy is balanced you should feel like you are truly living authentically, speaking your truth, communicating effectively, and speaking and listening with compassion. You should feel confident when you speak because you know you are being true to yourself with your words.

Unbalanced, this may manifest physically as voice and throat problems, or any problems relating to the mouth, teeth, and gums. Misalignment can also be seen through having trouble speaking your mind, feeling misunderstood, not being a good listener, manipulative behavior, gossiping, speaking without thinking and dominating conversations.

Next, located at the center of your forehead, between the eyebrows,

The Third Eye Chakra 

(correlates with the color indigo)

The Third Eye Chakra has to do with imagination, intuition, and connection with your highest self.

When this energy is balanced you should have clear thoughts, be imaginative, trust yourself, and see the bigger picture, beyond the physical.

Unbalanced, this may manifest in headaches and migraines, issues with sight and concentration, hearing problems, poor judgment, or poor imagination. This may also manifest in not being able to make decisions for yourself, constantly second guessing yourself, or feeling disconnected from your intuition. 

The final Chakra, located at the very top of your head,

The Crown Chakra

(correlates with the color purple or white)

The Crown Chakra has to do with intelligence, faith, enlightenment and awareness.

This Chakra is connected to every other Chakra, every organ, and the brain and nervous system.

Balanced, this chakra helps to keep all the other chakras balanced as well, and will provide you with feelings of bliss and enlightenment. You will have strong faith in yourself and the higher power, you will be understanding and it will connect you to universal wisdom. 

Unbalanced, this may manifest in sleep issues, brain fog, depression, narrow-mindedness, lack of faith, or stubbornness. You may also lack alignment with your higher self,

Each day you may have a different Chakra calling out to you for attention, but remember, healing is a lifelong process. It's important to have patience with yourself throughout, and remember to just take it one day at a time. Familiarizing yourself with your energy centers is a great way to learn more about yourself, and get serious about being a better you. You will always have to put in the work and check in with yourself daily, put show the effort and your body will thank you <333

Here are some links for meditations:

20 minute guided meditation:

40 min chakra reset meditation:

1 hr sound bowl chakra healing frequencies:

Disclaimer. I am not a medical professional. I am an energy worker simply sharing the importance of healing your energy and emotional self. Healing is mind, body, soul, all intertwined, neither more important than the other. 

Please seek professional help if you are suffering from a serious disease or illness.

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